Saturday, September 1, 2012

Actually using Pinterest

I'm starting this blog to post my experiementing with Pinterest. I've been pinning and pinning without doing - so I'm going to try one a day to not only use up those pins but to force myself to be creative, to try new things, and to be consistent. I am a new stay-at-home Mom and so I need to take advantage of the time I have (it's not a lot, but it's some) and I don't want to become stagnant, but to continue to push myself.

My rules are:
1.) It has to be found on Pinterest and pinned in my "365 Pinterest Projects" folder.

2.) It doesn't matter how easy that day's project is. I have a toddler now and a baby on the way, so yes, easy is good some (most) (all) days.

3.) I have to post process/results/pics if possible on my blog within a week - again, I have a toddler and will have a newborn in February so I need a week to be on top of this.

4.) I'm taking Sunday's off as it is my away from home longer work day and I need the time to rest for the week.

Okay, here's to starting this on September 1st, 2012. Hopefully on September 1st, 2013 - there will be reviews of almost 365 projects that I've posted about on here! It's exciting to think of all the things I might accomplish between now and then!

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