Monday, September 17, 2012

Second week - Days #7-12 - Dinner and Breakfast Recipes/Teaching Kids about Prayer

Day # 7 -Monday, 9/10 - Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Rice -
This was super yummy and super easy! The only downside is that you couldn't include the rice in the crock pot. It would've been nice to include when to add rice and in what measurements to add it so that it would've been done at the same time as the meal in the crock pot. Other than that, it was a meal where I had all the ingredients on hand and was simple to toss in the crock pot and let it cook. I did though, make my own mistake, and going off of memory (wrongful memory), added the cheese in the beginning, which ended up in cheese clumps randomly throughout the meal. But, I like cheese, so it wasn't so bad to get a big bite full of it occasionally.

Day #8 - Tuesday, 9/11 - Jalapeno Salsa -
This was not a great salsa - don't make it. I am not a huge fan of lime juice and so didn't prefer this recipe. But I had to find a recipe where I had all of the ingredients already. Enough said. You might make it if you have some ideas to better it.

Day #9 - Wednesday, 9/12 - French Toast Muffins -
I made these for breakfast one morning when I couldn't find something that sounded good to me. I didn't have any eggs and so found that you can substitute cornstarch for eggs in recipes. I did that, but I'm afraid it might have made it too dry. I wanted more comfort out it as well and double dipped the butter/sugar & cinnamon. I would make these again, but I think the egg would be much better. You can also see that I only got 10 muffins out of the recipe. My husband and daughter loved them though and they were a nice easy snack for a few days after.
Just out of the oven - not as dark as I thought they would be.

I used TWO pins on this evening to make dinner and it was YUMMY! I made the salad, but left out a few ingredients (cilantro, green peppers, green onions) that I didn't have already and added cheese. Because Mexican food always needs more cheese! I cooked the chicken in taco seasoning before adding to the salad. I also used sour cream instead of greek yogurt for the dressing becaue I didn't have any greek yogurt. The sour cream was in the reader's comments of the recipe and I just happened to have just bought some. It tasted awesome and I said that I would make it again for sure.

This was a total flop. My husband said, "You're a true blogger now, you've had your first flop." But, he likes everything I make, even when I don't. However, even though we agreed it wasn't the best bread, he still ate it (we just slathered it in butter to get rid of the mostly floury taste). He's pretty amazing. I'm not sure what went wrong, except that I split the recipe in a third - it called for three loaves to be made at once, but I didn't want to make three and so only made one. I actually used a calculator to determine how much of the ingredients I needed, so I know my math wasn't off. I don't know, except to make three loaves next time. I'll try it again and just go for it.

Day #12 - Saturday, 9/15, Prayer Pail,
I loved this pin and had been wanting to find a way to incorporate prayer into our daily routine. I decided to start with dinner. We let my daughter choose someone to pray for and she chose Mimi & Granddaddy. She doesn't completely understand prayer, but that's what this exercise is for right? So, I prayed for them out loud and it was pretty great to start the process of teaching her to talk to God on a really personal level for things that she loves and cares about. I will admit it has been hard to remember to do this every night, but I hope it will at least happen often at our dinner table. I would recommend this as it is an easy thing to do to incorporate daily prayer into your children's lives.

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